All-sour Small Pony Barrel Works launches in Ottawa
Ottawa – Small Pony Barrel Works, a new barrel-aged sour ale – focused beer company based in Ottawa, will launch its first offering in collaboration with neighbouring Evergreen Craft Ales this month.
Small Pony Barrel Works’ first release with Evergreen Craft Ales includes three sour ales including Raspberry Golden Sour, Strawberry Blueberry Golden Sour, and Citra Golden Sour – all available initially to members of Evergreen’s Founders Club in 473ml cans. Remaining stock will be available Saturday November 26, 2016 at Evergreen.
A brewery location is currently in development in Kanata featureing a ~17 hectolitre brewhouse slated to open Summer 2017.
A sour project with Cassel Brewery in Casselman, ON is currently planned using Montmorency cherries.