Bellwoods Brewery announces production brewery expansion
Toronto, ON – Bellwoods Brewery today announced it will open a new production brewery in Toronto at 950 Dupont St. near Dovercourt in 2015.
The expansion, according to Bellwoods, will include a restaurant and tasting room with a small event space, but will be primarily geared towards production and create 10-15 full-time jobs.
“For a long time here at Bellwoods headquarters — and by headquarters I mean the keg I flipped upside down so that sitting on it wouldn’t be so painful — our main issue has been the inability to keep up with demand,” says the brewery. “This is perhaps THE main issue within the craft beer industry, one that lots of awesome breweries struggle with because interest increases but tank volumes do not. Three times last year we had to close up the Bottle Shop for 24 hours because we had sold every last bottle.”
“Roman Candle, Witchshark, Monogamy, Bounty Hunter, Hellwood and Wizard Wolf (and several more) will be brewed on the big system in larger quantities and Farmageddon, Grandma’s Boy, No Rest For The Wicked and other sour and/or barrel aged products will appear more regularly. This in turn will free up tank space at the brewpub, allowing us to do even more creative and unique bottle-conditioned releases.”
Bellwoods estimates a Summer 2015 completion.