
Posted July 29, 2018

Call for Entry: Great Ontario-Hopped Craft Beer Competition 2019

Niagara Falls – Registration is now open for the seventh Great Ontario-Hopped Craft Beer Competition (GOHCBC), run by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

The yearly competition aims to foster collaboration and commerce between Ontario hop growers and brewers, while promoting the use of local hops.

The New England-style IPA has been selected for the 2019 beer style.

Entry is open to commercial brewers and brewing students in their final year teamed with hop growers that have more than 400 hop plants or 0.5 acre in production for commercial use.

Judging takes place Wednesday February 21, 2019 during the annual Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention in Niagara Falls.

For full competition rules and to enter, visit the Great Ontario-Hopped Craft Beer Competition.


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