Directory FAQ
Our frequently asked questions section..
Where does OBN’s data come from?
We use a multitude of resources to populate directories including: Alcohol and Gaming Comission of Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Finance, Corporations Canada, Ontario Craft Brewers, Ontario Craft Cider Association, Ontario Craft Distillers Association, news media, word-of-mouth.
How often are OBN’s directories updated?
Directories are updated multiple times per week, with new additions or updates to meta data. A ‘Last Updated’ date is posted on each directory.
How can I tell when something new has been added to a directory?
We post a monthly collection of Directory Updates listing all new additions.
Why does OBN not list some breweries located in Ontario?
OBN’s primary goal is to support independent (majority Canadian-owned) craft breweries. For this reason, we’ve chosen to not include any brewery that has foreign ownership or is not majority-owned by a Canadian company.
What is a contract brewer?
A contract brewer is a company that possesses it’s own Manufacturer’s Licence but uses the facilities of an existing brewery to produce its beer. They can sell their beer to the LCBO, Beer Store, grocery stores, and bars and restaurants, but may not have a physical or online store.
What happened to the LCBO and Beer Store filters?
Because stock at the LCBO and Beer Store are constantly changing, brewers may or may not still have product in store, even if they once did. This is extremely challenging to keep track of.
Notes regarding ‘Year Opened’ filter
The date given for operating bricks-and-mortar breweries is the year the brewery opened its physical location – if the brewery was formerly a Contract Brewery, the date listed is not the date it started as a Contract Brewery. ie. Kensington Brewery launched in 2011 but opened it’s phsyical brewery in 2018 – therefore 2018 will be listed.
Notes regarding “Building Brewery” filter
Under Contract Brewers and Brands, the “Building Brewery” indicates that the company is currently brewing under contract at an existing brewery, but is also currently in the process of building their own brewery.
Is OBN funded by or affiliated with the Ontario or Canadian government?