New Releases

Posted March 27, 2018

New beer releases

Cake Monster Chocolate Habanero Lactose Porter is out at Bandit Brewery in Toronto

Bicentennial Man Session IPA is a collab from Wake Maker Craft Brewery X Brothers Brewery  – available at the Guelph brewery.

Dubbelbürg Belgian-style Dubbel is available now at Wellington Brewery in Guelph.

Patio SMaSH Pale Ale drops at Whiprsnapr Brewing in Ottawa on Wednesday.

A hazy Pilsner brewed with wheat and dry-hopped with Czech and German hops – lands at Beyond the Pale Brewing in Ottawa on Thursday.

Vimy Brewing in Ottawa has released a new Wheat Beer.

Bronco Brown is out now at Sandwich Brewing in Windsor.

Avro Arrow Maple Red Ale returns to Barnstormer Brewing in Barrie.


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