
Posted August 7, 2014

Registration open for the Great Ontario-Hopped Craft Beer Competition 2015

BeerLogo_2015_png_nodateNiagara Falls, ON – Registration is now open for the 3rd annual Great Ontario-Hopped Craft Beer Competition (GOHCBC), as announced this week by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

The GOHCBC was conceived to bring together Ontario hop producers and Ontario brewers to showcase locally grown hops in a set beer style, for which Robust Porter was selected for 2015. It runs February 18, 2015 during the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention in Niagara Falls.

“New for 2015, last year’s wining brewery will be hosting the award ceremony where they hand over (or keep?) the Bottomless Cup! We’ll be inviting local media and bloggers to the event to put your crop and your beer in the spotlight,” say GOHCBC organizers.

Teams should register their intent to participate by November 1, 2014

The GOHCBC is intended for commercial breweries, students in their graduating year of accredited Ontario Brewmaster courses and hop producers. Home brewers and hobbyist hop growers are not eligible.

In 2014, first place was awarded to Blue Elephant Craft Brew House paired with Carolinian Hop Yard, with second place going to Get Well Nanobrewery and Nation Hops, and The Olde Stone Brewing Co. and Slow Acres Organics.


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